6 Apr 2020

On-the-fly Email Translation in eM Client

On-the-fly email translation

Have you ever received a message in a language you don't understand or are just less fluent in? Whether you're communicating with a foreign friend or company from another country, being able to translate the message instantly can be much faster than having to copy the text out into an external translation service.

And that's what eM Client offers with its automatic translation feature!

When eM Client detects a received message in a different language than the selected application language, it will give you the option to translate the message right away (which you can revert again if needed, of course). You can opt-out of translations for a language if it's one you understand.

Translation settings for all languages can be changed directly in Menu > Tools > Settings > Mail > Translation, where you can also specify which language to translate to. The application language is set as default, but if you have a different preference, you can select from a list of supported languages.

Translation settings in eM Client Translation settings in eM Client

The translation feature is limited on a Free license to a single translation a day. If you'd like to gain access to unlimited translations, a Pro license is the right choice for you!