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Google Groups, still relevant or a thing of the past?

Suppose you would like to email multiple people using a single email address or stay in touch with groups of individuals that share similar interests. “Yes, but why when I have group chats, distribution lists, and so on?”- Although the concept of Google Groups may sound outdated or redundant in today’s world, this service is still alive and well, mostly because it offers content that others do not offer.

Nowadays, a younger generation of Internet users would probably go to a forum, Reddit or a social network to get in touch with certain groups of people and communities. In its heyday, it was more popular, but it still has active users. It is far from being dead and it is still liked even after many years.

How does it work and how do I access Google Groups?

Google Groups are similar to all these modern services. It is something like a platform for various forums where users can create like-minded communities, collaborate, read news, and find information on various topics directly from other Google Groups members. Aside from the active groups, there are archived groups that were created under the service called “Deja News” and date back to 1981. Even those old groups can be still accessed to this day despite being acquired by Google in 2001 and merged with Google Groups that exist to this day.

Emailing Google Groups doesn’t require the address of each participant, instead, there is a group address that users are “subscribed” to. If the user leaves the group, they no longer receive updates, and their address remains relatively private (depending on the Google account’s privacy settings) which is appreciated in an environment like the internet where anonymity is a bonus. You can create Google Groups that are oriented on different use cases- be it a forum, or a mailing list.

What are the 4 types of Google Groups?

Google Groups are divided into four types depending on their purpose: Discussion board/web forum, Q&A Forum, Collaborative Gmail Inbox, and Google Groups Email List.

Google Groups Login and the main page

You can log in to Google Groups at if you have an active Google account. Upon logging in you will see the “My Groups” page and the search bar. With the search bar on top of the page, you can look up public groups or search among the groups you are subscribed to. Now, how to join a Google Group? Once you found the right group using the search, click on the join button and enjoy your favorite topics while having other Google apps accessible.

Is Google Groups being discontinued?

There are no official announcements that would hint at Google Groups' discontinuation. On the contrary, Google has updated the interface of Google Groups multiple times(the last update was in 2020 and since then it has retained its design). At the moment it doesn’t seem like the faith of Google +, Google Talk, or other axed services awaits Google Groups so we can still enjoy them.

eM Client and Google Services

If you would like to check which Google services are compatible with eM Client and how is Gmail seamlessly integrated into eM Client, see our compatibility chart. Or try out eM Client for yourself.