Released in 2014, Messages by Google has been a helpful and casual communication tool
used to conveniently message your contacts. Much like text or SMS messaging, Messages by
Google has a fast and easy approach to communication from your device - letting you send
quick messages and reactions in seconds. Learn about all of the features and options for
Messages by Google so you don’t miss out!
How do I set up Messages by Google?
Since Messages by Google is required for Android devices, it’s likely that the application is
already set up on your Android device. If the application is already on your phone; you should
be ready to get started. Once you’re using the application, you can instantly start messaging
the contacts already available on your device.
If you need to set up Messages by Google on your Android device, you’ll need to visit the
Google app store. You can also download the messages application by visiting this
page to download the application on your phone. Downloading Messages by Google is free
and there is no fee associated with sending and receiving messages through the app. You simply
need to be connected to the internet to use the messaging service - that’s it!
What devices can use Messages by Google?
Before beginning the Messages by Google set up process, keep in mind that only Android users
have the ability to download the application. The application is incompatible with other
devices. This is because Messages by Google is the default messaging option for Android phones.
Messages by Google is able to send and receive messages across various messaging platforms; so
you’ll still be able to communicate with all of your friends regardless of their default
messaging service.
Want to see your messages on your desktop device? It’s possible to view your Messages by Google
application through your laptop or desktop device through your web browser. You don’t need to
download a separate device for Messages for Web. To view your messages on your desktop
device, you will need to scan this QR
code to connect your phone to your web browser. After your device has been connected,
you will be able to send and receive messages through your internet browser.
Messages by Google features
Messages by Google offers other features that can enhance your communication. Aside from using
fun reactions and emojis through the platform, there are practical tools available in the
messaging service that are helpful to anyone who relies on messaging for daily communication.
Quickly send photo links that contain all the pictures you need to send to your recipient
through a cloud link. This feature speeds up the process of sending pictures; since the file is
sent through the cloud link rather than directly through your phone. Messages by Google also
boasts the ability to send high quality videos compared to other competitors.
Additionally, Google has built in spam protection to prevent unwanted or dangerous messages from
ending up in your inbox. Messages by Google are secured with end-to-end encryption; meaning no
one can intercept and read your messages before they reach your recipient’s inbox.
Try chatting with eM Client!
eM Client is a trailblazing email client with features to improve your productivity and
communications. When you connect your email account to eM Client, you gain access to the tasks,
calendar, contacts, and the chat feature. With additional tools like Thread and Conversation
View; your group emails will stay organized and easy to access based on your preferences. These
innovative options make eM Client the perfect solution for anyone with a busy life who needs to
stay connected.
eM Client’s all-in-one approach to communication is great for anyone who wants the convenience
of being able to check your chat and email without ever navigating between various applications.
Connect as many email accounts as you want to save the time and energy it takes to log in
through webmail. Simply click between your account names in the left side panel to view each
account separately.
Want to learn more about eM Client? Check out our
blog to get helpful email tips and to stay informed about new application updates!