SaskTel is a communications company based in Saskatchewan province of Canada. SaskTel, or Saskatchewan Telecommunications, provides customers with internet, TV, and phone services throughout the region. In the past, SaskTel clients were given Sasktel email addresses for easy written communication.
As of January, 2022 - SaskTel no longer provides free email services. However, if you already have a SaskTel email; it is still available if you’re an active SaskTel customer paying for other services. The only change for customers who already have SaskTel email accounts is that there is now a small monthly fee ($1.95) for anyone who wishes to keep their SaskTel email addresses.
Learning how to access and manage your SaskTel email will help you take full advantage of SaskTel’s services. We’ll show you how to find your SaskTel email login and discuss options for current customers who wish to find a free alternative to their SaskTel email.
How do I get a SaskTel email?
SaskTel customers who purchased an internet, phone, or television plan before 2022 were given a SaskTel email address as a part of their package. Customers who subscribe to SaskTel’s services after January 2022 will not receive a SaskTel email login.
SaskTel explains on their website that they can no longer support free email services and therefore no longer provide SaskTel email login information to new customers. It’s suggested that new SaskTel customers try one of many free email providers that are available today. Existing SaskTel email accounts are still accessible and will not be deleted - however, you can always follow their guide for transferring your SaskTel email login to a new provider.
How do I find my SaskTel email login?
To find your SaskTel email login, you’ll need to use the username you created when you registered for your account followed by the email domain written as: If you forgot your username or email address, you can go to this page to recover it using the steps listed in the article. If you added a recovery email address when you set up your SaskTel account; the process for your SaskTel email login recovery will be simple. Your information will simply be sent to your alternative email address as you follow the steps to obtain your login information.
Missing the password for your SaskTel email login? No need to panic. The process for password recovery is just as easy as finding your username. Go to this page, enter your Login ID (username), and the security verification. After you’ve completed this process, you’ll be able to reset your password and then you can login to your Sasktel email.
What is the best free email option to use with my old SaskTel email login?
Transferring to a new email provider is a great choice for anyone who wishes to keep all of their messages and important information from their SaskTel email address in a new free account. When you transfer your SaskTel account; you will need to create a new username and domain name. Your SaskTel email login information will no longer work for your new email - you will have to use your new information that you created after transferring your data to a new email provider.
Fortunately, it’s easy to find the best free email option for you. There are many email options that are great for different purposes; for personal use or for your business. Check out our email recommendations here.
What is the best email application for SaskTel email?
Anyone who is continuing to subscribe to SaskTel’s email services can use a desktop email client application to simplify the management of emails, contacts, and calendar! eM Client is a great email application option for current or former SaskTel email subscribers. Since eM Client is compatible with all email providers, it’s a great application choice for anyone with any type of email account. When you add your SaskTel email login information to eM Client; your information can be automatically synced to include everything you need from your webmail.
eM Client’s advanced email management options give you the ability to conveniently view attachments and threaded conversations, and easily add tags and labels to keep your messages sorted. Tags and labels can also be used to label your contacts - so you can find who you need to message in a flash. Or, you can take a hold of your busy schedule by syncing and organizing your calendar and tasks. The best part about eM Client? The user-friendly interface makes it effortless to use each feature in seconds.
Learn more about eM Client and all of our great features by visiting our blog. See application updates, email tricks, and learn how to enhance your productivity!