Understanding Spell Check and Grammar Check in Word and Excel

Using spell check and grammar check when writing or composing professional documents has become a near necessity for most people. It saves time and energy and ensures you will never make a fool out of yourself by using the wrong spelling in one of those long, pesky corporate terms. This article will give you a brief overview of how to use these tools in Microsoft Word and Excel.

Where Is Spell Check on Word?

In Word, you will find spell check under the Review tab. Alternatively, you can right-click on a misspelled word and choose "Spelling" or "Spelling and Grammar".

If you want to turn the Spell Check on manually, press F7 or click "Review" > "Spelling & Grammar".

How Do I Turn on Auto Spell Check in Word?

The auto spell check works while you type by highlighting any errors you make - in real-time.

To enable it, go to File > Options > Proofing and make sure that the "Check spelling as you type" option is selected.

How to Turn Off Grammar Check in Word

Some users feel that Word’s corrections might get excessive or want to avoid distractions while typing. You can turn off the real-time grammar check in Word by going to File > Options > Proofing. Uncheck the "Mark grammar errors as you type" and "Check spelling as you type" options.

How Does Word’s Grammar Check Work?

Maybe you asked yourself, how does Word know whether is this sentence correct grammatically? To ensure your grammar is correct, Word uses rules for subject-verb agreement, as well as sentence structure, punctuation, etc. Any improper grammar or misspelled words will be underlined unless you turn that feature off in Options.

If you want to use one of the corrections that Word suggested, right-click on the underlined word or phrase and choose the option that fits.

Word Count and Grammar Check: Analyzing Your Document

In case you need to check for word count in Word, go to Review > Word count. You will see the word count; character count and other statistics related to your document there.

Excel Spell Check: How to Use Spell Check in Excel

In Excel, the spell check is limited to only text-based cells and will not include formulas or non-text content.

To turn the feature on, go to Review > Spelling or press F7. This will check the spelling in a selected range or the whole Excel worksheet.

Grammar Check for Word and Excel: What's the Difference?

While Word checks your grammar and spelling comprehensively, Excel only corrects text cells and does not provide detailed grammar suggestions.

How Can I Check My Grammar and Spelling Online?

If you do not have access to Word, you can use websites like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, or Hemingway Editor for spelling and grammar checks.

The online grammar check can be done by copy-pasting your text in the tool’s editor.

Using Spell Check and Grammar Check Tools Effectively

Both Word and Excel offer tools for grammar and spelling checks, however, Word’s set of tools is much more robust. Excel has limited features in this regard but can still be useful for text input.

To ensure your documents look clean and to avoid any errors, it is best to utilize spell and grammar check tools - be it Word, Excel, or one of the many other options.

A Comprehensive Email Client with Built-In Spell Check

While Word and Excel have great spell check and grammar features, eM Client is a powerful email client that enhances communication with integrated spell check and grammar correction for emails. Whether you are sending a professional email or a casual message, eM Client helps ensure your writing is polished.

How to turn on spell check in eM Client

To enable Spell-Checker in eM Client, head to Settings > General > Spell-Checker and activate the "Use automatic spell-checker" option by clicking on the checkbox. Or press F7 when composing an email and a spell-checker window will pop up.

eM Client can also check your grammar right before sending out an email as well as comprehensive AI tools for enhancing your email quality.

If you need an email client with solid grammar and spelling support, give eM Client a try!

More on eM Client’s spellcheck and proofreading features here.