Have you ever accidentally deleted an
important email that you needed to save?
Not to worry, you can recover deleted emails, most of the time.
How to recover deleted emails in Gmail
Once you delete an email in Gmail, it is then
sent to the Trash. Once a message
reaches the Trash, you have 30 days to recover the email from there.
How to retrieve an email in Gmail from the Trash bin:
- Open up Gmail.
- Head to the Trash and select the
email which you would like to recover, by
clicking on the box to the far left of the email.
- Click Move to in the row of
buttons above the emails and pick a location,
where you would like to store the email.
How to recover permanently deleted emails in Gmail
If you happen to be using Google
Workspace, you are in luck, because if you have
deleted an email and 30 days have already passed, you can restore the email from
the Admin console. Admins have 25 more days to restore deleted messages.
How to recover deleted emails from the Admin console:
- Sign in to your Google Admin console using an administrator
- From the admin console Home page, head
to Users.
- In the Users list, find the
specific user.
- Point to the user and click More >
Restore data.
- Select the range for the messages that
you want to restore.
- Click Restore.
How to recover deleted emails in Outlook
If you accidentally delete an email in
Outlook, you can recover it if it’s still in the
Deleted Items or Junk Email folder.
How to recover deleted emails from the Deleted Items folder:
- In the left panel, select the Deleted
Items folder or the Junk Email folder.
- Select the email(s) that you want to
recover, and click Restore from the top panel.
How to retrieve deleted emails from the Junk Email folder:
- In the left panel, select the Junk
Emails folder.
- Select the email(s) that you want to
recover, and click Not Junk from the top
- Emails located in the Deleted Items folder are deleted
after 30 days.
- Emails located in the Junk Email folder are deleted
after 10 days.
How to recover permanently deleted emails in Outlook
Unfortunately, Outlook does not offer a way
to recover permanently deleted emails.
How to retrieve deleted emails in eM Client
If you happened to have accidentally deleted
an email in eM Client, not to worry,
recovering a deleted message is just as easy.
How to recover emails in eM Client:
- Open eM Client and head to the
- Once you find the email that you would
like to recover, right-click on it and
select Move to folder.
- Once you’ve picked the location where
you would like to place the message,
click OK.
eM Client does not offer a way to recover permanently deleted emails, but you can
restore them if you have an existing backup of an earlier date.
You can create a backup via Menu > Backup or you can set up an automatic
backup to always have a recent backup on hand. You can restore from a backup via
Menu > File > Restore.